Saturday, September 12, 2009

Golf Flexibility - Improving Your Swing With Stretching

The golf flexibility aspect of your golf fitness program is to develop the vital ranges of movement within your muscles and joints so that you can perform your golf swing accurately. The amateur golfer commonly has muscles that are tight, causing restrictions in their golf swing. In addition to the lower back, a second area of the body that often causes difficulty is the hamstrings.

Having hamstrings that are tight can cause your pelvis to tuck under the spine in the golf swing, causing numerous problems for your swing. In order to counteract that, you need to address the hamstrings with some flexibility exercises. A golf flexibility exercise that is very beneficial for the hamstrings is called "Rotators." Rotators is a great, dynamic flexibility exercise used to stretch the hamstrings and your lower back. You should seek the advice of a doctor before you perform any exercise program.

1. To begin this exercise, place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your arms extended overhead, with your hands clasped, and eyes looking forward.

2. Slowly extend your hands down toward the top of your feet. Extend downward until you feel a stretch in either your hamstrings or lower back. Pause for one second and then return to the starting position of the exercise.

3. Rotate your torso, shoulders, arms, and your head to the right. Extending your hands downward to the outside of the right foot. Pause for one second and return to the starting position of the exercise.

4. Repeat the same exercise sequence to your left. Perform 10-15 repetitions for 1-2 sets of this exercise.

Golf flexibility is, without a doubt, a very important part of any golfers lifestyle. Do you want to learn Golf Flexibility secrets the pros use to hit the ball farther and straighter with less effort? Discover the best Golf Fitness Exercise created by a top golf fitness expert that can help amateurs improve their game quickly and easily.

Author By John J Hoss

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